What We Must Learn

3 January 2004

This morning – while waiting for files to copy – I read one of the finest essays I’ve read in quite some time. I found it via InstaPundit.

It’s titled Protecing Your Livelihood and it’s by Kim du Toit. Here’s one hook for you:

”This all sounds terribly simplistic, but in fact it’s simple rather than simplistic. To all teenagers (or parents of teenagers) reading this, it’s the best advice youll ever get: learn a trade. It really doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it’s a function which cannot be transported—and no, computer repair doesn’t count, because PCs are teeny little things which can be shipped easily, or trashed. Learn how to fix jet engines, or how to rewire a building, or how to pour concrete.”

It should be on the required reading list of every person from age 16 to age 100. He describes the way we must begin to think and act.

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