Why Telecom Is Changing

29 December 2003

I owned 300 shares of WorldCom when the plummet began. I still have them. I’ve been an investor in Level 3 Communications and its predecessor. That’s how I got the WorldCom shares.

My belief about Level 3 and the future of telecom is that the old, legacy companies are very likely to go away. No matter how fast they deploy fiber-to-the-whatever (FTTW), they’ll always have old copper infrastructure that they must maintain – at least until everybody catches on!

Voice communication is no different in any way from the IP packets that make up music, a picture, my latest software download or the home page you are reading when you read this. Sure, there’s some front-end and back-end stuff to be done to be sure the packets are properly handled for real-time voice, but those issues are minor. If you don’t believe what I’m telling you, read this from David Isenberg’s weblog.

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