God's Picks

16 December 2003

A piano teacher stood before a Sunday School department that was having a Christmas party and luncheon. The teacher had been invited along with one of her adult piano students. The student was now being introduced by the teacher as someone who gave as much back in inspiration as she took away in new music knowledge.

The teacher mentioned a time when one of her daughters was quite young, but recognized just how much the relationships between teacher and growing pianists meant. The insightful child said, ”Momma, I think God picks every one of your students just for you.”

The teacher related how she had reflected upon that many times. Over the years she realized that it was true. Sometimes God had sent a student because He knew this teacher could provide just what that particular student needed at that time in their lives. At other times, God put the teacher and student together because of something this student could bring into the teacher’s life.

Her adult student performed beautifully. Afterwards, one of the Sunday School class members who was also a biology professor at the local university remarked, ”That was an interesting story you told as part of your introduction. It’s nice that God selects your students for you. He can’t do that for me because I have over 300 students in some of my classes.”

The wise piano teacher smiled as she said, ”You know, you’re probably right. I bet several of those students just sneak into each class without God knowing they’re there.”

Looking suddenly puzzled and taken aback, the biology prof mumbled, ”Uh, I need to think about that.”

Trust me. Three hundred isn’t a challenge for God!

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