Have We Forgotten?

7 December 2003

USS Arizona burning on December 7, 1941The sadness is real for many Americans on this day. Perhaps, it is not so real for the Internet generation.

Maybe we’ve lost the ability to hand down history without revising, extending and altering it.

All I know is that the next Presidential election might be the most important one since the founding of this nation. On that election turns the very fate of a nation. Our existence as an experiment in what it means to be a democratic republic could hinge on who we pick to lead.

  • * * UPDATE * * * Contrary opinions are fine and the comments are welcome. Critical comments substantiated with facts are fine. Comments laced with opinions that are not supported by facts or that have disrespectful treatment of a person, our nation or what it means to be a patriotic American will be deleted.

Why? Because we make the rules here, and being disrespectful breaks most of them.

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