
4 December 2003

LilacRose is learning how to do photo-editing. Next year is my year for this. It’s on the list of goals, tools and skills for 2004.

What is amazing is that she picked such a worthy subject, but she was much too kind to him. This one is worthy of seventh grade treatment with a magic marker – mustache, horns, etc. Why this country has met the needs of so many for almost 230 years, but will never be ”good enough” for this clown is beyond me. Hmmm…clown – big nose, floppy shoes, tearful eyes.

Why must he deface the founding principles, the founding documents and the very definition of one nation, under God? Better still, why can’t this great nation look back at him and say, ”No! If you don’t like it, go found another nation built around the beliefs you espouse.”

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