Free Feed Reader

23 November 2003

RSS feeds are the underlying syndication technology of weblogs. Without being forced to browse to every weblog that interests you, a feed reader allows you to use the ”Really Simple Syndication (RSS)” feeds of weblogs to keep up with what’s being written.

For the uninitiated, think of it as vaguely similar to email, but without the spam and you decide who you’re getting feeds from. You might rather choose to think of a feed reader as your own personal newspaper with exactly the front page stories you want, followed by other stories in whatever priority order you want.

There are many RSS feed readers or news aggregators as some people call them. Many of them are free. An outstanding free aggregator is SharpReader, now available in version

I use FeedDemon in its current beta edition. Soon, it may not be free.

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  1. Hero    20 February 2004, 06:34    #