Movable Type Pro

22 November 2003

Six Apart still anticipates some updates to Movable Type and a release of Movable Type Pro.

I want my content manager – either MT or MT Pro – to be the tool that helps me produce valid, accessible, well-formed markup. As silly as it may sound, I’m still puzzled by why [strong] is a better tag than [b] when it comes to valid XHTML. MT puts the [b] in your entries if you use the small icon for bolding in MT’s entry-editing box. I quit using it when someone told me that [strong] is the more appropriate or valid tag.

I want to learn this sort of thing, but I want to know that there is some sort of like-mindedness between authors of tools like Movable Type and tools like TopStyle.

These are the folks I count on to teach me the ”right” way to produce web site content. Their tools ought to help me do the ”right” thing.

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  1. abechan    30 January 2004, 12:49    #