Which End Of The Hammer?

8 November 2003

I’ve always found arguments against learning skills to be specious. ”I’m a whatever…I shouldn’t have to learn that.” That sort of thinking is just silly.

As for writers, some more definitions are needed. By writing, do we mean recording words on paper? Do we mean typing? Do we mean publishing our work on the Internet?

It’s interesting to read a couple of opposing views at Tim Bray’s site. One may not be a programmer to do his or her job, but they are often typists. How is that different?

Further, take any of the last three or four versions of Microsoft Word and look at what’s hiding under the surface in all of the option settings. What skill is it that allows a writer to know just which settings are required to produce the finished product?

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  1. steven    10 November 2003, 08:35    #