Ok, Confession Time

8 October 2003

Within the past week or two, I learned via a comment that I should be encoding certain types of punctuation when I write for this weblog. That ensures that the page validates properly.

My confession is that it is simply too much trouble right now. I use Movable Type’s text entry box to type all of my entries. I also hand-code every blockquote, img, and a href tag. Remembering the precise number for an apostrophe (I think it was 8217) and opening and closing quotes is a nuisance. It is particularly annoying when, somehow, Movable Type or IE manages to figure out what I meant and renders the final page correctly for viewing.

Call me lazy. I’m sure someone out there is inconvenienced by my slothfulness. However, until I understand why the 8217 rendering of an apostrophe is identical to, better than or worse than the &apos method, I’m just going to write.

Wait. That’s not enough. I need to understand the difference AND I need to learn to write my entries in TopStyle with full validation and all the other fancy stuff PLUS I need those scripts and plugins that make everything look so good without having to think about every 8217, 8220 and 8221.

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