It's All Connected (Or Disconnected)

4 October 2003

I wish BloggerCon organizers and network folks could get the webcast squared away. This is an important milestone along the weblog growth curve, and those of us who are not there can’t get a reliable audio or video feed. Glenn Reynolds, whom I had hoped to listen to on the BloggerCon webcast, has mentioned the need for wi-fi everywhere. He’s right.

I spoke to a company yesterday that is in the business of providing a ”wireless backbone” for a small town or metro area. However, the technology is not wi-fi. It’s fixed wireless technology. Any WISP could use this technology as an alternative to whatever bandwidth they have, but the user or consumer would be a subscriber to that WISP’s services.

In other words, we’re still searching for the truly wide-area wi-fi solution. Is it 802.16? Which providers are ready to enter into a project right now for wide-area wi-fi?

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