Rss News Feeds

20 April 2002

RSS News Feeds

I’m not sure where to get this next bit of Radio education, so if you read this and know, please give me a hint. Here’s a simple way to ask all that appears below:

  • See the little white-on-orange XML on this page
  • See the question, ”Want to syndicate my weblog? Now available in RSS!”
  • What can I do with that? What is available with that icon? Clicking on it simply gives me a page of XML.

Reading Jenny Levine’s link to Ken Rawlings, the impression is left that any site with the white-on-orange XML icon can be added to the news aggregator. I thought only the XML coffee cup icon could give you that capability. Now, it seems that these two icons are merely conveniences or features, and the actual underlying technology can somehow be manipulated (hacked?) to create subscriptions. Is there a tutorial, document, discussion, weblog, post, help screen or any of the other 4000 methods for communicating that explains this?
Then, if you’ve read this far, help me understand what Bruce Loebrich is doing. If his hack is designed to organize Google news into ”categorized” listings in the news aggregator, isn’t this something that all the techies are going to adopt, and suddenly everyone’s going to be posting the same news from Google? I’m back into the deep water!

The answer is as simple as ”right-click” the little white and orange xml icon, select copy shortcut and paste the shortcut into your news subscriptions. Thanks once again to Alwin Hawkins for taking the time to give me a pointer!

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