
19 September 2003

There are some aspects of web standards that are difficult. If you’ve had even a toe in the waters of WYSIWYG tools or HTML tables for styling the layout of a page, web standards will take you to a completely different way of thinking. Dig very far at all and you’ll run across a lot of negatives. [WARNING: Some strong language!] When the negatives come from some of the truly gifted web developers, you pause. The Thinker

Then, when the outlook is darkest, you’ll stumble into some clear air and be able to recall why you launched the standards-based education to begin with. Thanks for the link, Jeffrey Zeldman.

For two days (or close to two years) I’ve been frustrated by each and every approach that I’ve taken to learn (X)HTML. However, within the past 24 hours, I’ve seen congruence between my respect for ”quality” and the emphasis placed on web standards for the long-term good of organizations.

Now, if I can begin to grasp this word ”semantic...” and the thinking behind The Semantic Web. (hmm…May, 2001…I’m only two years behind!)

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