Ultraportable Or Subnotebook?

16 September 2003

For a friend who just became a reader of this site, I’m doing a bit of homework on current ultraportable or subnotebook offerings from the top manufacturers of such products. His (and my) requirements for a product in this class include:

  • runs Windows XP Professional
  • more concerned about portability and less about typing
  • more concerned about browsing and email and less about processing power
  • PDA browsing just isn’t there yet, so the product needs to offer more conventional browsing and email while being very small
  • to the extent that many desktop features are present, so much the better

Here are the candidates:

What other products or manufacturers should a mobile professional be considering? Is it time to give serious looks at the table PC’s for truly mobile computing? Maybe Peter’s got some answers over at Gizmodo.

Here’s a link to the category at Gizmodo that covers laptops/notebooks. Also, here’s the PDA link.

As always, your help and advice is welcomed!

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  1. Frank Patrick    16 September 2003, 17:39    #