Four Men At Lunch

11 September 2003

Friend #1: ”What have you been doing in the midst of new projects and too much work?”

Me: ”I’ve gotten interested in the underpinnings of the Internet and what the cutting-edge thinkers are visualizing for the future.”

Friend #2: ”Yeah, our guy just reworked our web site, but it seemed like a waste of money to me.”

Friend #3: ”What kinds of things are you calling underpinnings; stuff like multimedia and grid computing? I read something about that on an airplane last week.”

Me: ”No, it’s more fundamental than that. I’m looking into web standards and ways to build web sites that are easier to change, easy on bandwidth consumption and less costly to extend as an organization’s needs grow.”

Friend #2: ”Just get a copy of FrontPage. Nothing could be more standard than that. Microsoft controls all that stuff, you know.”

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  1. steven    11 September 2003, 12:57    #