Struggling Still

31 August 2003

Another thing that amazes me is that all these web designers apparently do so much development work that they’ve got all the (X)HTML syntax memorized. It’s truly astonishing that so many people apparently know how to sit down to a copy of Notepad and, with no Internet access, pages to copy or cheat sheets, they can develop a standards-compliant web site.

The more I work at trying to figure this stuff out, the less confident I become that I’ll ever master those abilities. What’s even more baffling is what must be missing from my own methods of learning or memorizing (maybe it’s just a lack of intelligence) that prevents me from getting my brain around this stuff. At no time and on no subject in my career have I ever had this much difficulty.

It’s gone from being maddening to becoming a bit frightening. I’ve been studying all morning and I still cannot figure out what to change to make the Introduction and Day 2 validate.

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