What A Tormenting Sort Of Day

20 August 2003

It’s 11:15 p.m. and I find myself ready to call it quits for the night. It’s been a miserable day and I feel guilty for saying so. There’s something about having to focus so totally on trying to make technology work when it doesn’t want to cooperate.

For some unknown reason, having made no changes, there’s a red ’x’ next to the first entry in the Reading List of the sidebar. Whatever the cause, the ”newly updated” arrow is refreshing properly. I’ve changed nothing there.

I’m still searching for a laptop and so many things are on hold until I can find one. I spend way too much time trying to help a guy sort a 798,000 record database in Access and delete two thirds of the records.

I’m trying to learn RSS, XHTML, CSS and designing web sites around web standards. I have no idea how to go about learning this stuff, and I find myself running from resource to resource learning bits and pieces at a time.

Then I run across someone who knows the stuff so cold that it’s like a native tongue to them. I have difficulty understanding how I’ll ever get to that point. I get comments that I can’t begin to act on because I’m truly clueless about where to begin. I feel like people are saying, ”all you do is lift the hood and…” Little do they realize that I don’t have a clue what the hood is, much less how to lift it!

Anyhow, it’s been a frustrating day. Technology prevailed today.

I’ll learn something more tomorrow and try to win back the day!

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