Changing Rss Templates

19 August 2003

Based upon a comment I received that indicated there was a way to include ”extended entries” in RSS feeds, I’ve made a change to my RSS 2.0 feed this morning.

While I don’t know what I’m doing at all, I found two places in the RSS template where there was a line that began with a [description] tag. So, I changed both of them to this:

[description][$MTEntryBodyMore encode_xml=”1”$][/description]

The rest of this entry is a test to see if the change makes a difference in what I can read in FeedDemon. In other words, this is the extended entry. Will it show up in my RSS feed?

  • * * UPDATE * * * Nope, no such luck. Does anyone know how I should change the RSS 2.0 template so that a full entry including any extended entry gets included in the RSS feed?

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