After The Storm

14 August 2003

Since July 22, 2003 when a major storm devastated Memphis, TN, I’ve had either no cable modem service or very sporadic service.

Weaknesses in the Memphis infrastructure became totally evident when this storm hit. Our local utility lost over 70% of its customer base in about 15 minutes. It took more than 2 weeks to restore electricity. Phone and cable companies are still attempting to recover.

Posting may be intermittent until stable ISP services are restored from the cable company.

As service returns and remains up, I want to post some pictures of the damage. I’ll also offer a couple of thoughts about reading Zeldman’s web standards book by flashlight. Finally, there’s the matter of learning CSS and XHTML well enough to tackle another makeover of this site.

There’s lots to do and lots to look forward to.

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  1. anonymous    8 April 2004, 16:34    #