I Whined, Adam Responded

9 July 2003

Last night I downloaded and posted from Zempt. Then, I was hasty in my first impressions of it. When I griped a bit, I awoke to a friendly comment/email from Adam Kalsey.

Suffice it to say, this product is rapidly growing on me. Part of my concern was in having no clue how posting from Zempt compared (behind-the-scenes) to posting from Movable Type. I didn’t want to start getting a mix of fonts or sizes or spacing or whatever on my weblog. I had already been through that with Radio.

By whatever magic this stuff uses, it works. My CSS design is making certain that anything I send to my weblog looks exactly as if it was posted via MT. Zempt simply provides the convenience.

Take a look at the benefits and goals that are behind Zempt. I’m impressed.

I still want to understand the relationship between the tools I mentioned in last night’s entry, but, for now, I’m using Zempt and trusting it!

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