What Are The Issues?

5 July 2003

This morning I was reading sites and found a summary of the Democratic candidates for President at Backup Brain. Tom linked us back to a post from December in which he listed his guesses about who might run, etc.

I was struck by a link in his post about Howard Dean. The link from the word ”issues” has now rotted. However, what are the issues in this upcoming election? Who sets ”the issues?” Are we electing a President based upon universal or majority agreement about what the issues are, or are we electing a President based upon what each candidate can convince us? Nevermind each candidates beliefs on each issue, let’s first agree to what the issues really are?

This is the major point of disagreement that I can see between Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party folk (is that Greenies?), Classical Liberals, etc. Each of them has a different set of pet issues that they believe should become the national agenda.

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