A Tough Three Years Indeed

1 July 2003

The NASDAQ peaked on March 10, 2000 at 5,132. (On that same day Berkshire Hathaway shares traded at their lowest level since mid-1997. The price was $40,800.) Currently, the NASDAQ is around 1600 and a share of Berkshire Hathaway is at around $72,700.

Needless to say in the three years since that peak, we’ve experienced a lot as a capitalistic nation. The dot-com crash, telecom crash and 9/11 hit us in the 550 days from March 10, 2000 to September 11, 2001.

Today we learn from Scripting News that Casady & Greene will close the doors for good. Watching many companies (and some individuals) struggle for financial health has been painful.

Struggles are likely to continue as the mortal wounds of that initial 18 months lead to an agonizing death 18 (or more) months later. Many small companies remain in critical condition fighting hard to overcome the damage that was done. Nothing happens instantly, and bleeding to death must be a terrible way to go.

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