If Only The Decision Were Clear

29 May 2003

Every day I’m confronted with something that tempts me to become an outspoken advocate for the open source side of technology. That’s the place where StarOffice supplants Microsoft Office; where Linux supplants whatever the latest flavor of Windows might be; where Opera (or others) supplants Internet Explorer.

It’s also the place where ”download costs” supplant $299 or $399 or $499 in the case of Microsoft’s prices. Obviously, either of these licensing arrangements will be followed by the costs associated with ”applying” the products – support, advice, help, etc.

What holds me back? It’s the nagging sense that Microsoft has won and a person in I.T. will soon be able to make a living only by supporting Microsoft products – not open source.

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  1. Simon Phipps    31 May 2003, 19:53    #