The Error Message

4 February 2002

The error message below was a result of my attempt to follow the Web Services example. When I saw what had happened, I thought I had edited it out of my web log. Guess not! Anyhow, I’m leaving it in for all to see. But, it is my error, I’m sure.
I hope when Dave pointed to me he wasn’t ROTFL! Hanging in there!!
HOW TO LEARN THIS STUFF <params = {”Dave”}; xml.rpc (””, 5335, ”radio.helloWorld”, @params)>
Dave is absolutely right – though I wish there could be a different way. Most of what I’ve learned so far came about exactly like this…
I told him ”Stare at it in incomprehension. Click on all the links. Get confused. Come back later and do it again. Repeat until aha.”

For many this is the first programming they’ll ever do. There’s no way to make that first leap easy. But once you get it, you never forget, and it goes to some very interesting and rewarding places.

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