Blogrolls And Rss Feed Subscriptions

27 May 2003

ought to be maintained with a single tool or a single interface. We need for and one or more of the RSS feed readers to collaborate on a single interface for doing two things:

  • Adding a given site to the appropriate group or category in your RSS subscriptions
  • Adding a given site to the appropriate category or blogroll

Properly done, we get to specify the name of the weblog, the name of the person, which blogroll it belongs in, which RSS feed folder or group it belongs in and an opportunity to display all or part of any of this information in the blogroll and the RSS subscription list.

I’m going to start with’s ”pop-up” which allows the quick addition of a weblog to a blogroll. After logging in, here are the fields it calls for:

  • Choose a blogroll
  • Title
  • Description
  • Target
  • Priority

I’d make a ”simple modification” to this list by adding another column with the same fields for RSS subscriptions. In other words, I could specify whether I’m tracking RSS subscriptions by name or by title of weblog. I could group them into different sets of RSS feeds based upon interest, subject or whatever. I could prioritize or sequence them within the group.

I wouldn’t require that the groupings I have for blogrolls be the same as those for RSS feeds, though they might be. Nor would I require that blogrolls and RSS feeds be listed the same way – by either title or name. These could be different.

This is an important enhancement to the field of weblogging and requires that the subscription list be maintained independently of the particular feed reader which is chosen.

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