Happy 19th, Ginny!

20 May 2003

You’ve come so far. From a short, chubby-legged 4-year old to ”Approaching Center,” you have grown up in the studio. Among the new class of tall dancers, you show the grace, the peace and the uplifting love that is ballet. Your performances take people to the higher thoughts – the better things of life.

While the dancer has grown, a beautiful young woman has grown as well. Your faith and the care and concern you show for others is a light to the rest of us. Through a childhood that had a big sister calling you ”chubs,” and another big sister giggling, you stayed focused and true to a calling that few people ever hear.

You heard it at age 5. Few ever know the joy of such a fit between desire, ability and opportunity.

Every time you take the stage, I’m convinced I’ll see something that hasn’t been seen before. There’s expressiveness, entertainment and joy in what you give to all who see you. Those gifts are immeasurable in their ongoing influence. Whether it’s a 4-year old dreaming or a 38-year old mom who needed a break, they find it in what you give!

No Dad could be prouder. You are an amazing woman with a focus and a resolve that is so rare in life. God has huge plans for you and we all will share in the joy of discovering and realizing those plans.

Happy Birthday, Kiddo!

I love you,

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