Sound Advice Across Many Fields

7 May 2003

I read different weblogs for different reasons. Some are for their technical viewpoints. Others offer strong political insights. Still others may be able to do both of those, but they’re not the weblogs I read for HTML advice. You get the idea. I don’t get my accounting advice from the plumber nor do I get my legal advice from the barber.

Yet, there is an important corollary to this. Just because I love a source, I don’t throw it out when the writer says something that is either silly or differs from my viewpoint. It’s still a trusted resource in its area of competence and influence.

I read the following quote on Monday. It’s been rattling around in the back recesses ever since then, but I can’t help but believe there is great profundity here.

And again, if the standard for anyone in public life trying to support morality and virtue is that they be saints – even according to other people’s standards – then we’ll have no upholding of morality at all.

Andrew Sullivan
Monday, May 5, 2003

Apply that to lots of situations. You’ll find it holds up well.

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