Designate Our Tax Dollars

11 April 2002

Don’t you wish we could ”designate” our tax dollars the way we designate for a church or charity?

Buy a New Car or Build a Village?. DevelopmentSpace focuses entirely on projects that require thousands of dollars, not millions, like an Australian campaign to combat gasoline-fume sniffing or an eye hospital expansion in Nepal. By Brian Kennedy. [New York Times: Technology]
Let’s see, I’d like for the first $5000 to go to… The Times article above makes me think of how many things we really could get done if people could specify. Clearly, the smaller not-for-profit/charitable organizations seem to accomplish mammoth amounts of good work with very little. Those to whom much has been given seem to always wind up with a public outcry on their hands.
I’m mixing charitable giving and work with thoughts about what a country should be doing with tax dollars. With taxation so disproportionately distributed in this country, what departments would remain?

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