Slow To Learn

3 May 2003

I learned something new yesterday. I learned that has a field called ”description” and when that field is filled in and a visitor to your blogroll mouses over a name on the blogroll (in IE, at least), the description will be shown. So, if I elect to show the names of individuals in my weblog like this: Rob Farhni, but I want At The Core… to show up when someone rolls over Rob’s name, then all I have to do is enter the name of the weblog in the description. The reverse is also true. Put weblog names in the ”title” field and put the person’s name in the ”description” field. Simple, but useful.

Only now am I able to fully appreciate Dive Into Accessibility by Mark Pilgrim. I’ve downloaded it, printed it and I now use it as an important reference. It’s not so much because I’m becoming fanatical about accessibility. Rather, it’s just got some solid HTML advice in it.

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