A New Walk

20 April 2003

Tomorrow is an important day. We’ll be updating several web sites and launching some new capabilities while still continuing our present work. Many of these things have been in the works for quite some time.

This Holy Week has been an important time of preparation. Currently, I don’t have a church home – (long story). Yet, the reality of the last week of Jesus’s life has been incredibly strong this week. It sets an example for how we’re to live, lead, love and be with one another.

So many Christians or ”groups” of Christians think they’ve got ’it’ all figured out. They know just how to pray. They know just which scriptures to recite or to ’call upon’ for any situation. We live in an era when the experiential Christian is one who has attended all of the right Bible studies, retreats, walks, lessons, sessions and services. Yet, the simplicity of the Bible and the history, custom and social condition at the time is so often missed by those groups because they’re looking for something ’deeper.’

What’s the point you might ask? Well, first, we’re recommitting our work to God’s honor. Making life and work better for people will be of utmost importance as we seek new clients. Second, too many of those who call themselves Christian are doing more to sow discension, anger and confusion among fellow Christians as well as those who don’t understand John 3:16. Our focus will be on Christ’s example rather than the man-made rules, ethics and complexities of the day. It’s truly what Christ meant when he said,

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10 KJV

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  1. Cass    21 April 2003, 17:08    #