A Redoubling Of Effort
17 April 2003
You’re in a race. You overtake the second place runner. What position do you now hold in the race? (answer: Hope you didn’t say first place. You overtook the second place runner, so you’re in second place.from Dan Miller’s latest CareerLink newsletter
With a redoubling of effort, I’ll be making a fourfold increase in what I’ve been trying to do with career, job and employment. Here are a few of my alternatives:
- Expand our existing business
- Go to work for another company
- Develop some new consulting fields
- Change careers entirely
I’m going to be rethinking these between now and Monday. Watch for a radically expanded effort in one or more of the above areas.
Here’s a quote from Po Bronson’s terrific book that characterizes my own career perfectly. The words were spoken by Heidi Olson:
There had never been a job description that fit her. ”I do best in organizations in flux,” she realized. ”if they’re undergoing rapid change, need to be reinvented or fixed, a cleanup or a new build, I’ll do great. I’m not right for a regular job.”
Filed under: Careers