A Forbes Flashback

11 April 2003

December 1, 1937 in Forbes:

&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWanted: Ideal Executive In very large corporations the ideal executive line-up includes four different types. First, a chairman who is a business statesman, broad-gauged, intelligently interested in national affairs, as well as being capable of shaping policies and finances. Second, a dynamic president, expert in production problems and, preferably, able to sally forth to the firing line when big contracts are being let. Third, a master sales manager, bubbling over with ideas, originality, enthusiasm, pep, capable of inspiring the whole salesforce-and of commanding their respect for his practical abilities. Fourthand this is what many corporations lack-a vice-president in tune with labor, preferably a man who has come up from the ranks, a man of deep human sympathies, temperamentally fitted to meet and mingle with wage earners, to talk their language, to inspire their confidence.

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