I Know People Like This

11 April 2003

Po Bronson’s What Should I Do With My Life? has steadily climbed the bestseller lists. Here’s another excerpt:

”He arrived expecting to see an incredible ostentatious display of wealth. At the time, a full three-quarters of the employees were millionaires. ”But they were still working in cubicles. Even the founders! And they were so nice!” One moment that stood out: an assistant had to get lunch for David Filo and Jerry Yang. She grabbed two premade turkey sandwiches from the cafeteria and threw them on the table in the conference room. Carl couldn’t believe she hadn’t asked them what they wanted, or let them customize their orders. When Carl was her age, he had to get lunch one day for Joel Schumacher and another executive. Joel ordered gazpacho with no croutons, no sour cream, and chopped egg on the side. The other executive ordered a hamburger with grilled onions on the side. But the burger came by accident with the onions on the burger. The executive refused to eat it, and chewed Carl out for not checking the order to make sure it was accurate before presenting it.

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