
7 April 2003

Ali is gone. If we can now find Saddam and the boys, the Iraqi people should begin to get the real message of freedom.

I haven’t written much about The War. Embedded reporters or not, it has been frustrating to watch the efforts of our troops as portrayed by media skeptics, cynics and malcontents. Have you ever watched a basketball game where you felt the ultimate victor had to beat the opposing team, the referees and the court-side announcer then answer inane questions from the clueless?

What really gripes me about the left’s anti-war posture is how intellectually dishonest it is. The leftists will go into drama queen mode over sweat shops employing children in South America. They’ll go nuts when women’s rights are abused, except when women are beheaded or set afire in Iraq. They’ll rally and march and hoot and holler about human rights violations in countries that change their names weekly.

Let a madman with palaces galore starve 400,000 children and the left blames the U.S. for the situation. If Martin Sheen really believed all he claims to believe about this war, he’d have the intellectual honesty to stop playing the role of a President who sends troops into battle.

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