
31 January 2003

Everybody in the blogosphere reads James Lileks, so it’s probably pointless for me to steer you that direction. However, on the off chance that somebody reading this isn’t a member of the blogosphere or, just maybe, doesn’t even know what the blogosphere is…well, I give you James Lileks on 31-January-2003.

Just so you understand Gnat is his daughter. She must be two or three by now. James takes care of Gnat a lot and the material becomes richer for his effort. James also writes like Gnat talks sometimes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Here’s the teaser:

And as we all know, cold peanut butter has the same effect on fresh bread as a belt sander has on a titmouse. Theres just nothing left.

Or there’s this:

Gnat hasnt entered that phase of life where Crusts are viewed as Satans Scabs, something one cannot touch without losing your mortal soul. But we use one of them all-natchral peener butters.

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