There Are Things In Life

9 January 2003

that must simply be accepted on faith. No matter how badly you may want them. No matter how hard you are willing to work. No matter how much ambition you have. No matter how unceasing and unwaivering you are in your pursuit, some things simply are not under your control.

For driven people accustomed to accomplishment at a high level, this is one of the most difficult lessons to learn and one of the most challenging principles to put into practice moment by moment every day. Those working in job environments where fewer people are being asked to accomplish more or risk a bad performance review are particularly challenged when it comes to patience. Their patience must be with the system they are forced to work in. They simply are not permitted to work without that look of stark terror on their faces all the time. At too many places the people with sanguine expressions are often labeled slackers.

”Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus.” Romans 15:5

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