Exam Prep

9 December 2002

Rachel has exams this week! Imagine what that answer sheet must look like.

Oh I almost forgot – I did shoot the .357 Magnum (6-inch barrel). This was an ill-advised decision on my part. First shot caused the knuckles on my left hand to smash very hard into the table thingy (I don’t even try to hold that sucker freestyle – way too heavy). Second shot gave me that feeling you get when you get punched in the nose. Third shot made me think I was experiencing a brain aneurysm. Fourth shot caused carpal tunnel syndrome. Fifth shot created a sensation like my retinas were peeling off the backs of my eyeballs. By the sixth shot, I was angry like I am when I hear Al Gore’s voice on television, and so I mentally dared the gun to cause me any discomfort, and it responded by causing a feeling like all of my spinal vertebrae were collapsing in on themselves. Nice, huh?

Rachel Lucas

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