Prohosters Is Down - Again

11 October 2002


When I moved this weblog off the Radio Userland server to its own domain, I selected Prohosters as a host for the domain. I regret my decision.
Prohosters suffered a lengthy outage shortly before I selected them. What they did to resolve the outage made me believe that they were stepping up to better gear, better management practices and new levels of service to their customers.
Then, I read this response from the CEO of the company to a customer. Clearly, the CEO realized that the language on his web site describing Prohosters policies and practices didn’t really communicate what was intended. ”You can host multiple domains, so long as you don’t sign up for one of our entry level plans.”
I can endure that confusion as long as they satisfy customers. I can’t endure outages. Each day that I learn something more about weblogs, Radio Userland, web hosts and ftp software, I become more convinced that my weblog’s outage earlier this year started with an incorrect email from Prohosters about where HTML files should be placed.
Thus far, I’ve had no email or notice from Prohosters concerning this latest outage. Phone companies don’t do it. Utility companies don’t do it. Cable TV companies don’t do it. Why should we expect a web host to do it? You may see some temporary disruption in this weblog over the coming week or ten days, but be assured, I’ll be back!

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