Php Again - When &Amp; How?

10 October 2002

Interactivity. For quite practical (that is to say, not frivolous or completely dunderheaded) reasons, much of today was spent combing through old PHP, folding some layabout code into the Textism Publishing Engine (codenamed Textpattern), in particular the commenting system that ran here sporadically last year. Back then it was duct tape and baling wire holding it together; now the various bits have been streamlined into something resembling a cohesive whole, albeit one assembled by zealous bureaucrats on an encounter weekend all flipcharts, Nerf Bats and tears.
One big accomplishment of the day was figuring out how to prevent the resubmission of form data when a window is refreshed/reloaded. Figuring this out brought much joyful relief; so much so that I flung open the windows, inhaled deeply, hunched over, and played air guitar for thirty seconds.
Anyway, it (the commenting thing) needs to be tested out, and this is where you come in. Complete, if you would, the following assertion:

People who__should __, because ___ .   [Textism]

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