Because Of

5 October 2002

I wonder which host Steven selected?

and because I’ve got a copy of an email from Prohosters that incorrectly tells me what my host server path should be for my weblog, I’m considering switching hosts. There is a side of me that believes The Outage was ultimately caused by that email. Believe me, I dread switching again! However, life is just too short to do business with people that take customers for granted or become opening confrontational over mere inquiries. Hiding behind lawyers, threatening lawsuits and generally being contentious isn’t my idea of a worthy supplier.
We live in a time when alternatives are plentiful – for anything and everything. Again, I worry about the delays, confusion and drudgery that will be required to make a switch, but I certainly would like to align with someone I could stick with for the next few years.

STILL ON BLOGSPOT? Consider moving here instead. I can’t vouch for this particular service because I don’t use it. But it’s provided by the folks at HostingMatters, and I’ve been very happy with them. [InstaPundit]

Now for the round of research. How many domains can be hosted under a single hosting plan at HostingMatters or Bloggerzone? How much space? How much download traffic per month? How many email accounts? How will an existing email account be handled in a move?

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