Way To Go, Dane

1 October 2002

Weblogs4Hire.com is up over 165 users now! [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]

Someone asked, ”what is the thing that you cannot NOT do?” The more I dig into this business of web pages on the World Wide Web, the more interested I become. I think I’m thankful that I wasn’t consumed by the craze and the bubble, although I wish I didn’t feel as though I was getting started 5 laps (read years) behind. I have no clue how to make a living toying with this, but I enjoy learning in this field as much as in any field I’ve seen in quite some time. The lone problem I face is in knowing how to learn! Who are the masters? Where are the best sources of knowledge? What’s the sequence of prerequistes and upper level coursework? Where are the blind alleys and how do I avoid them?

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