Will This Be On The Test?

24 September 2002

Do I need to understand this? Sometimes I feel as though I’m wandering around amongst those who are making Microsoft Excel’s user features work behind the scenes. All I know is how to add or multiply two cells and get a third. How important is it that I understand what Dave is saying about RSS and RDF and their differences?
I’m drowning in stuff like PHP pages that I would have thought would be HTML pages and text entry boxes that are WYSIWYG vs. Source. So far, I’ve only had to be concerned about how hot the coffee is or is not in the waiting room of the service department at Acura. Am I now going to have to change my own CV joints?

I’ve gotten to know Phil Ringalda over the last few weeks in all the discussions about RSS 2.0, and I like him, and would like to work with him in the future. I don’t say that lightly. This evening he posted a note on his weblog that he was giving up trying to get RDF to make sense inside RSS. As I read his essay I could feel two-plus years of exhaustion overwhelm me. I found myself writing a comment after his essay saying, among other things ”RSS is not a brilliant format. It is a compromise. It is for syndicating news feeds. That’s all it is for, for the 18,000th time.” It’s time for RDF to pack its bags and leave. RSS deserves some dignity, as does RDF. Emphatically, once and for all, they are not the same thing. Peace be with you RDF. Leave RSS alone. Thank you. [Scripting News]

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