I Wish Someone Would Have The Courage

23 September 2002

and influence to form a serious apolitical initiative with the goal to make the USA completely energy self-sufficient. This shouldn’t be about reducing oil imports from a particular nation or launching a tree-hugging conservation plan. We should identify every area in which some foreign resource is required to provide some form of energy that we require here. From Duracell batteries to gas for lawnmowers, we need a comprehensive strategy that provides a declaration of energy independence by 2006.

Fuel cells by 2004. Good write-up of MTI Micro Fuel Cells, a tech start-up that is promising to ship a commercial fuel cell for personal electronics by 2004. I so want this technology—laptops that run for days, PDAs that run for months. Link Discuss (Thanks, Pat!) [Boing Boing Blog]

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