World Magazine Mentions $5000-$6000 Per Day

22 September 2002

in consulting fees paid to “teach” diversity. Clearly, they are not teaching diversity. They are undermining the Founders’ viewpoints. I read the article twice before bedtime last night, then awoke to this post:

Freedom on Campus Narrowly Defined. WORLD magazine’s cover story last week was “BMOC: Big mandate on campus: College ‘diversity’ activists grab freshmen at orientation-and won’t let go until everyone holds the same view.” (free registration required)Here are some provocative quotes from the article:”[L]eft-liberal ‘diversity’ trainers have found in orientation programs a ready-made crop of captive and impressionable audiences ripe for reeducation on issues of sex, race, and gender. The basic messages: People of color are victims; whites are their tormentors. Homosexuality is normal; abhorring the behavior is bigotry.”“Alan Charles Kors, a University of Pennsylvania history professor and co-author of The Shadow University, calls orientation programs like Amherst’s ‘Thought Reform 101.’”The final paragraph summarizes how un-free some institutions of higher learning have become:... [Professor] Kors believes such force-fed “tolerance” smacks of creeping totalitarianism. While Americans need frank and open debate on matters such as race and ethnicity, he said, “these are not issues for indoctrination. Indeed, they do not even reflect everyone’s chosen intellectual or moral agenda, and free individuals choose such agendas for themselves.” []

It is clear to me that there is a vast difference in the consulting business that “teaches” diversity and the intent of the inscription at Ellis Island. “Bring me your college-age children and we’ll brainwash them for you.”

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