The More I Study This Web Software Stuff

21 September 2002

the more convinced I become that I’m glad we don’t have ”open source buildings.” You know, the kind of building where any architect can make additions and changes. I’m also glad we don’t have ”open source legal documents.” Imagine what your will would look like if any lawyer could add a little or take away something.
All of these add-on’s and plug-ins are fine, but getting support has got to be a bear. MT doesn’t really want to support third-party plug-ins, do they? The plug-in folk can’t be certain that their plug-in isn’t going to ”step on” another plug-in, can they? I love all these features, but who-ya-gonna-call when it breaks?

Plugins for Movable Type. Kevin Shay, the author of Garbo, is now writing Movable Type plugins. [The FuzzyBlog!]

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