Another View

18 September 2002


JD on the Panel. J.D. Lasica has posted first impressions from the J-school panel:

Last night Dan, Rebecca, Meg, Scott and I participated in a 90-minute panel before Paul Grabowicz’s and John Battelle’s students at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. About 75 folks showed up. (At one point I asked how many people there hoped to work in a newsroom one day; only 6 raised their hands. How many people had weblogs? A dozen raised their hands.)

As I said at one point last night—and I welcome all thoughts about this—a journalist is anyone who is an eyewitness to or an interpreter of events, and who reports them as honestly and accurately as possible. Period. You don’t need the resources of the New York Times newsroom behind you to validate you as a journalist.

J.D. plans to post a partial transcript. I’d do the same if there was interest. We could triangulate. Dan Gillmor may have beat J.D. as the first panelist to post impressions of the discussion.eJournal. [Radio Free Blogistan]

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