Read This And Think About What It Means

9 September 2002

Don’t miss this >Dave Barry column on Flight 93. Excerpt:

We know that the plane went down before it reached its target – that the hijackers failed to strike a national symbol, a populated area. They failed.

And we know that the people on the plane fought back. On a random day, on a random flight, they found themselves – unwarned, unprepared, unarmed – on the front lines of a vicious new kind of war. And somehow, in the few confusing and terrifying minutes they had, they transformed themselves from people on a plane into soldiers, and they fought back. And that made them heroes, immediately and forever, to a wounded, angry nation, a nation that desperately wanted to fight back.

This excerpt doesn’t even begin to do justice to a long and sensitive column. Read it all.

UPDATE: According to the BBC, Al Qaeda sources say that Flight 93 was headed for the Capitol building. [InstaPundit]

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