Successful Rat Racers Are Creating

5 September 2002

Baby pig = piglet, baby rat = ratlet?

Actually, ”successful rat racer” is an oxymoron. You aren’t really successful until you’ve found your unique path out of the rat race. One who creates a ”ratlet race” is simply a moron. We shouldn’t be inflicting our ways of life on our children unless we’re certain we’ve found the right way. Striving, driving, assertiveness, pushing, overbooking – these are not the ways of the truly successful. Much of the time they are the ways of scared rats.

Hectic lives rob kids of sleep and health: ”What’s particularly troubling to physicians is that parents are often behind these problemsthey simply don’t make routine bedtime a priority. Many are hectic, sleep-starved people themselves, and they forget that children are not miniature adults; kids are hit much harder by sleep deprivation. ’If you are keeping your child up until 11 p.m. for family time, you need to re-examine your life.’ says child psychotherapist Barbara Braun-McDonald of Brewster, Mass.” [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]

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