Ford And General Motors

31 August 2002

Another Radio user bolts for MT

I’m so frustrated with my blogging tool of choice that I haven’t been posting, sorry. My guess is that things will be quiet for a bit longer. I’m going to change from Userland Radio to Moveable Type. But it is going to take a bit. I’ve got a lot to learn before I can get things up and running. I’ll continue to post with Radio until I can make the transition, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be posting a lot.
Why the change? Radio is a great tool, but it is unstable (at least on my machine). Often, after entering several posts it will choke and hang or crash. If I’m not prepared I can lose all that I’ve written. I’m tired of dealing with Radio’s flakiness. Also, I’d like to use a server-side tool so that I can post from anywhere. Radio supports this, but you have to have your main machine on an ”always-on” internet connection. I don’t have one. [So many islands, so little time]

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