A Brand New Hp Zt1290 Notebook Pc

26 August 2002

was removed from the box approximately 1.25 hours ago. It wouldn’t boot. After holding for HP, then providing the model number, serial number, my phone number and assorted other details, I was told by the person at the other end of the line that he would connect me with a service engineer immediately. After some more time on hold, the service engineer wanted to know the model number, the serial number, my phone number and all of the previously provided details. I never questioned this while on the phone. I’m now on CD 5 of 5 attempting to recover the configuration that was supposed to have been installed at the factory.
Once I can get this system to boot correctly (one time) I plan to blow away all of HP’s notions about the right software to have installed (WinXP Home, etc.) and install Windows XP Professional on a freshly formatted hard drive. From there, I can begin building the new notebook to suit my needs.
The problem below is about a phone company – surprise, surprise. However, the opening line about serving one another is so true. Who do you serve? Who does your company serve? Who are the products you sell serving? No matter how far we take this ”knowledge-based” economy, products must work as expected. When they don’t they must be replaced with something that does work and quickly!

Servant Oriented. Its about service folks. Its all about serving one another. I’ll even go as far as to say its… [Heal Your Church Web Site]

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