Two Baseball Ideas

26 August 2002

Rob speaks for a lot of people. I have two additional ideas about this professional baseball strike. First, I wish the fans would strike first. Don’t go. Don’t watch them on TV. Don’t say you won’t, then cross the line. Just strike! Without a TV audience, a ballpark audience and all that goes with both, the billionaires and the millionaires will get the message.
Second, let’s take it a step further. Let’s permanently strike. Take every dime that you’ve spent watching or supporting professional baseball and give that to your favorite college’s baseball program. Before you know it, we’ll have America’s pasttime back where it belongs!

Go ahead and strike!. There so darned much going on in the world today. I say to professional baseball ”Go ahead and strike!”, I’ll never go to another game if you do. Who needs professional baseball when we have kids that play like pros? If you caught any of the Little League World Series games over the last couple of weeks you know what I’m talking about. [Rob Fahrni, at the core.]

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